A shocking plan for the revival of Khalistan has been discovered by the Punjab Police and was created by none other than Waris de Punjab chief Amrit Pal Singh. As they step up their search for the controversial Khalistani preacher, the cops are on high alert.

According to an investigation into the incident, Amrit Pal Singh designed and printed the Khalistani currency as well as the movement's flag and emblem. The motives and intentions of the extreme leader have been called into doubt by such upsetting revelations.

The phone taken from Tejinder Singh Gill, the alleged gunman of Amrit Pal Singh, contained the incriminating information. Law enforcement officials in North India are extremely concerned about this development and have now started a massive manhunt to find Amrit Pal Singh. Citizens are urged by the police to be on alert and to report any suspicious activity involving Khalistan or its supporters.

The release of this strategy by the Punjab Police serves as a reminder that separatist and extremist beliefs constitute a serious threat to national security. It highlights the pressing necessity for ongoing efforts to uphold society's values of peace, unity, and harmony.