Punjab police have made the shocking finding that Amrit Pal Singh's assailant has footage of him practicing with weapons. The gunman, who is believed to be a member of the pro-Khalistan group "Anandpur Khalsa Fauj," is seen taking part in the training in the video, which was apparently filmed in Jallupur Khera in Amritsar.

The shooter, also known as Gorkha Baba, is currently being held by authorities. Investigators believe that the creation of the AKF may have been orchestrated by Pakistan's ISI secret agency. During their inquiry, police also found bulletproof jackets and guns with the symbol 'AKF' to support their suspicions.

But where is Amrit pal Singh now?

He is on his way to Delhi, according to the Punjab police, who are still looking for the Khalistani preacher. Authorities recently circulated a video of him in Kurukshetra. It is believed that the preacher is out and roaming without his turban.

The nation has been shocked by this worrying news. It is impossible to ignore the worrying trend of the growth of pro-Khalistan organizations. It is essential that the authorities take stringent action to capture the culprit as soon as possible.