Unrest between India and China have risen following reports that the Chinese delegation did not attend a confidential G20 meeting in Ita Nagar, Arunachal Pradesh, on March 25. The huddle was attended by over 50 delegates from other countries, but the absence of the Chinese team has caused suspicion among officials. 

The Indian External Affairs Ministry has yet to react to this issue. The meeting was reportedly kept private, with no media coverage allowed, signalling how sensitive the discussions were. 

China's move is seen as a snub to India's sovereignty over Arunachal Pradesh, which Beijing claims as part of its territory. The two countries have been engaged in a long-running border dispute, with tensions rising at regular intervals.

Indians have seen it as disappointment because it could have provided an opportunity for constructive dialogue on several pressing global issues. As tensions between these two Asian giant remain high, there are fears that this latest development will exacerbate the situation.