Amritpal Singh has been labeled as a wanted criminal by the Punjab Police, which is a major accomplishment. Ludhiana resident Singh has been missing for several weeks after being accused of taking part in several terrible crimes.

Sources claim that Singh was engaged in several robberies, thefts, and extortions in different regions of the state. His whereabouts had been monitored by the police for some time, and they had even carried out multiple raids to capture him. Unfortunately, Singh consistently escaped being arrested.

What Measures have the Police Taken so far?

Amrit pal Singh is now considered to be a wanted criminal by the police, who have also appealed to the general public for help in learning about his location. They have also urged the public to refrain from helping him in any manner and vowed to take harsh measures against anyone discovered to be doing so.

The police are stepping up their efforts to find Singh and the hunt for him goes on. The people have also been urged to come forward with any information that would aid in his arrest.